Rabiu Mohammed joins French side Paris FC



The box-to-box midfielder has cpmpleted his switch to the French lower-tier side in an undisclosed fee

Ghana midfielder Rabiu Mohammed has finally sealed a one-year deal with French Ligue 2 side Paris FC from Russian Premier League outfit Krylya Sovetov as a free agent with an option to extend the contract.

The 29-year-old arrived in France on Tuesday and put pen to paper on Wednesday having passed the club’s mandatory medical test.

Rabiu, who will wear jersey #13 for the new season as the club hopes to qualify to the top-flight, has previously had stints with former Ligue 1 side Evian Thonan Gillard and Kuban Krasnodor.

On international level, Rabiu has made 31 appearances for Ghana since making his debut in 2009.

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