Breaking News: Joseph Commey beats Mukuka to win Ghana’s first medal at 2022 Commonwealth Games


The youngster overcame the tough opponent as he won in a unanimous decision to clinch Ghana’s first medal at the games ongoing in Birmingham

Ghana boxer Joseph Commey defeated Alex Mukuka to progress to the semifinals and automatically win the country’s first medal at the 2022 Commonwealth Games ongoing at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham.

Commey bosses the bout throughout and did not give his opponent any chance to come into the contest.

In Round Two of three, the Ghanaian almost knocked Mukuka out but his opponent was bent on finishing the bout.

Commey began his journey by defeating Allan Oiake of Papua New Guinea in the preliminary round.

In boxing, every boxer that reaches the last four automatically wins bronze medal and could further win a silver or gold if he wins the subsequent bouts.

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