Video: Watch how Joseph Commey ‘mercilessly’ defeated Mukuka to win Ghana’s first medal at 2022 Commonwealth Games


The highly-rated boxer made it look easy as he brushed aside his tough opponent to annex Ghana’s first medal at the games ongoing in Birmingham

Ghanaian Featherweight boxer Joseph Commey defeated New Zealand’s Alex Mukuka to make it to the semifinals and automatically win the country’s first medal at the 2022 Commonwealth Games ongoing at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham.

Commey, who began his journey at the Games by defeating Allan Oiake of Papua New Guinea in the preliminary round, was the favorite to progress right from the start as he dominated proceedings.

It was not surprising that the Accra-based boxer won the bout unanimously as all the judges ruled it in his favour.

According to the rules and regulations governing boxing at the Commonwealth Games, once a boxer reaches the last four, he or she automatically wins a bronze medal.

However, Commey could win a silver or gold medal if he wins his next bout scheduled for Friday.

Watch as Joseph Commey beat Alex Mukuka from New Zealand

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