Abrefa wins as Cynthia Kwabi loses in Table Tennis opener at 2022 Commonwealth Games


The duo had contrasting start at the Commonwealth Games as they hoe to win the country its first medal

Ghanaian Men’s Table Tennis star Derek Abrefa defeated Moosa Munsif Ahmed from Maldives 4-0 on Wednesday morning at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham.

Despite initial controversies surrounding Abrefa’s illegibility to play in the game, the Ghanaian shrugged off the setback and then jumped into the arena to win the day.

He won the first three sets and only needed another victory to settle the game and prevent it from advancing into another round where all the seven sets had to be completed.

Abrefa will face Rifat Sabbir from Bangladesh in the afternoon of Wednesday at the same venue.

Watch how Abrefa won against his opponent

Meanwhile, Cynthia Kwabi lost 4-0 to Karen Lyne from Malaysia in the Women’s singles. However, she has promised to bounce back in the subsequent games and qualify to the next stage.

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