Match fixing: Fifa/Caf integrity officers scrutinize mobile phones of referees for WAFA vs Kotoko & Oly vs Berekum Chelsea


The country’s football governing body has strengthened their actions to eradicate betting and match fixing from the top-flight

Referees that officiated Ghana Premier League matchday 27 fixture between WAFA and Asante Kotoko had their mobile phones checked by individuals believed to be integrity officials from Fifa, Caf and Ghana Football Association, can confirm.

This comes as a result of the alleged increase of match fixing and betting in the top-flight and they checked the devices to see if they had placed a bet or engaged in conversations that suggested the game was manipulated.

The action, according to our sources, was repeated on Friday when Great Olympics defeated Berekum Chelsea 2-0 in the first game of matchday 28.

The integrity officials also took some of the phones belonging to the players during their visit to the dressing room after the game.

Upon the completion of their search, the devices were given out to the rightful owners.

Following the pending match fixing case involving Ashanti Gold and Inter Allies, the FA has concluded to double their efforts since some club officials and other betting syndicates are allegedly influencing results of Premier League games.

With only seven games to end the season, many clubs are fighting for relegation and rumours have it that there are ongoing attempts to influence results in order to avoid the drop.

It will be recalled that two years ago, Ghana Football Association employed Obed Tuffour to lead the integrity department of the body in order to help eradicate or reduce betting and match fixing from the sport.

“The Ghana Football Association has in compliance with FIFA requirements employed Mr. Obed Tuffour as the Association’s Compliance and Integrity Officer,” a GFA statement read.

“FIFA has recommended that all Member Associations should appoint an Integrity Officer who will deal with all integrity-related legal matters as well as the risk of match-fixing and match manipulation.

“Mr. Tuffour will also be responsible for the FA’s Compliance Unit.

“The world football governing body is expected to send an official to train the Association’s new Compliance and Integrity Officer on his role, way of work and ways of identifying acts that might jeopardize the integrity of the game

“The Compliance and Integrity Officer will be the point of contact for all communications with FIFA/CAF on integrity matters and actively participate in regional integrity workshops and lead the GFA’s integrity action programme.

*He will also lead the implementation of the appropriate national reporting mechanisms and will receive reports related to potential alerts, incidents and/or suspicions.

“The Association’s Integrity Officer will help maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards match manipulation, match fixing and betting.

“In this regard, the GFA hereby informs all Club Officials to refrain from having any form of communication with any match official before and after any match.

“Match officials are also cautioned not to have any form of communication with any Club official or a leading member of any football club before or after any match.

“The Association wishes to inform all that it will not entertain any excuses what so ever when it is established that there has been communication between a match official and club official.

“Additionally, Clubs, Officials and all match officials are to note there will be zero tolerance for such conducts and the consequences for such actions would be dire,” the statement added.

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