ECG disconnects electricity supply to Accra Sports Stadium; Hearts vs Ashanti Gold in a limbo


The state’s owned electricity supplying company has cut the power that goes to the stadium due to several months of unpaid bills

Electricity Company of Ghana’s (ECG) national Task Force has officially cut the power supply to the Accra Sports Stadium on Tuesday due to an unpaid debt to the tune of GH¢508,000.00

According to the leader of the taskforce, Nene Shadrack Mase, the amount represent an unpaid bills of ten months and the facility’s management have failed to make a 50% payment of the total debt, leading to their disconnection.

“What they have to do to be restored is pay one-fourth or 75% of the total debt and the rest of the debt will be scheduled for them. If there is a defaultment in payment, they will be cut off again,” Mr Mase said to JoySports.

He further informed that ECG have not received any assurance that the stadium’s debt is going to be met.

“No assurances had been given to us as we left the place. But if effort is being done on their part, the officer in charge of the schedule will inform us and we will restore power for them,” he added.

Due to the current situation on ground, Hearts of Oak’s matchday 21 fixture of Ghana Premier League against Ashanti Gold on Sunday is in a limbo.

This is because the game which was initially scheduled to take place at 3pm was rescheduled to 6:30pm due to Ghana U17 female national team’s Fifa World Cup qualifiers against Senegal at 3pm.

Since Hearts and Ashanti Gold game is to take place in the evening, if the power supply is not restored, the game could be moved from Sunday evening to Monday afternoon.

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