Watch Yaw Annor’s Ronaldo-like goal against Great Olympics which everyone is talking about


Ashanti Gold pipped Great Olympics 1-0 on matchday 26 of Ghana Premier League at the Accra Sports Stadium to breath life back into their Top Four aspirations.

Olympics had the better of starts as they were offered several chances but could not make it count.

Yussif was denied by the goal post before Ashanti Gold was also denied in similar situation as Yaw Annor’s long drive couldn’t go in.However, after the break, Annor was lucky the second time asking after he connected a pass from Elijah Addai and sent in a powerful drive which went past the goalkeeper on the 69th minute.Annor was played through four minutes later but he couldn’t guide his last ditch effort on target.Ashanti Gold have now moved four places up to ninth position with 35 points, five points below the top four spot while Olympics remain on fifth position with 39 points.

Watch the goal from Yaw Annor against Great Olympics

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