WATCH LIVE: Kadiogo vs Asante Kotoko in Caf Champions League


The Porcupine Warriors are hoping to pick a favourable scoreline in the first leg of the Caf Champions League against the Burkinabe side

Asante Kotoko name their starting XI to face Kadiogo in Caf Champions League prelims in Benin on Monday.

Among the squad include goalkeeper Danlad Ibrahim, Richmond Lamptey, Isaac Oppong, Enoch Morrison, John Tedeku, Richard Boadu, Sherif Mohammed, Georges Mfegue and Steven Mukwala who will making their debut in the competition for the club as they hope to pick a favourable scoreline.

New captain Richard Boadu will be leading the club for the first time in a competitive game since replacing beleaguered Abdul Ganiyu Ismail.

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