Video: Maxwell Konadu rushed to hospital after mercilessly beaten by Bofoakwa Tano fans in Sunyani


The former Black Stars assistant coach was rushed to the hospital in Sunyani after he was physically brutalised by Bofoakwa Tano supporters

Nsoatreman FC head coach Maxwell Konadu nearly lost his life after fans of Bofoakwa Tano charged on him and mercilessly beat him at the Coronation Park in Sunyani on Sunday.

The first-ever Bono derby between Bofoakwa and Nsoatreman ended in a goalless with the officials and away fans complaining about poor officiating.

That allegedly did not go down well with fans of Bofoakwa who also decided to make their displeasure known leading to a chaotic scene.

Konadu was mobbed by a section of Bofoakwa fans on the field after the game and that resulted into him being rushed to the regional hospital following the intervention of the police.

The Nsoatreman coach is reported to have uttered some words after the game, including calling the home fans ‘villagers’, which did not go down well with Bofoakwa Tano supporters and led to the assault.

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