“Thomas Partey isn’t injured as speculated,” GFA spokesperson Henry Asante explains his absence


Ghana FA head of communications, Henry Asante Twum has rubbished claims that Arsenal midfielder Thomas Teye Partey did not join the Black Stars ahead of the 2025 AFCON qualifiers against Sudan on Thursday due to injury worries.

According to Asante, Partey did not pick any injury in the Gunners win over Southampton last weekend but rather fell ill afterwards.

Although, a section of Ghanaians believe Partey has feigned injury to avoid backlash following a series of uninspiring performances for Ghana, Asante is adamant to their claims.

“Partey isn’t injured but rather illness. He is sick and not injured as speculations say. It isn’t malaria and I can’t disclose the kind of illness he is suffering from at the moment,” Asante told Asempa FM as quoted by AshesGyamera.com.

“It is not everything we can put in the public domain and of course, if it is not an illness that everyone [around] him knows, I wouldn’t say he is sick. I can’t, however, bring out his medical record.

“Obviously, Partey’s absence will have some impact on the team but in situations like this you need to work out a plan. It is a bit difficult because obviously he is one of the experience and influential players of the team. He has also been the leader of the team in the last four games we’ve played [without Andre Ayew]. Therefore, you would expect that in all times he would be available in order to play but it is what it is. Unfortunately, he is not coming so what we have to do is find new ways to approach the matches without him.

“At this moment, Otto Addo is focused on identifying the best option to replace him ahead of the game.

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