“Prosper Ogum should be sacked since no one is bigger than Kotoko,” board member angrily wades into confusion


A member of the Porcupine Warriors board has angrily insisted that the club’s head coach must be sacked as a matter of urgency

Asante Kotoko board member Kofi Amoa-Abban has angrily insisted that management should as a matter of urgency terminate the contract of head coach Prosper Ogum Narteh following the recent happenings at the club.

On Wednesday of last week, reports were rife that Ogum opted to part ways with the club just after ten months in charge.

Kotoko’s management member Emmanuel Newton Dasoberi also confirmed the news in an interview with Daily Graphic, insisting that the coach took the decision following a disagreement with the board on player recruitment.

“During the meeting with the board to discuss his report to the management, there was a disagreement over his request to sack 10 players and recruit 17 new players, including four centre-backs,” explained Emmanuel Newton Dasoberi, the Administration and Operations Manager of Kotoko.

“It was at the point when some members of the board questioned the justification of some of his requests that Coach Prosper Ogum said he had a two-year contract but wanted to move on with his life, so the club must look for a new coach.

“The coach has not formally written to the club about his resignation, but even when some members tried to persuade him to change his mind, his response was that his decision was final,” he added.

However, a letter from the board of directors vehemently denied anything of that sort and further advised the general public to disregard such information.

But, on the eve of a much awaited meeting between the board of directors and other stakeholders, Abban has jumped the gun and wants the coach sacked from the club.

“Asante Kotoko is under the Stewardship of a great Management Team led by Nana Yaw Amponsah. The success on and off the pitch last season is testament to this fact,” Abban tweeted.

“THE COACH SHOULD BE FIRED. No one is bigger than the Club. Asante Kotoko remains Supreme,” he added.

Ogum guided Kotoko to win Ghana Premier League title last season after just ten months at the club.

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