Ofori Amponsah to thrill Ghanaians in Telford, UK on New Year Day 2023


The multiple-award winning artist will storm the Shropshire to celebrate with Ghanaians in the diaspora as we enter 2023

Ghana’s High-Life superstar Ofori Amponsah has been billed to entertain Ghanaians in United Kingdom’s town of Telford on New Year Day in 2023.

The event which is being organized by Ozberga Events UK will take place at the 02 Centre in Wellington-Telford of Shropshire, on Sunday, January 1, 2023 will shower Ghanaians and other Africans in the diaspora into another new year filled with huge expectations.

Also performing on the night as a special guest will be award-winning actress cum musician Emelia Brobbey.

Tickets have been pegged at £20 and £30 for standard and VIP respectively and there will also be a table for family and friends.

Ozberga Events UK is one of the fastest-rising event organisers in the United Kingdom. In November, they held another musical concert which was headlined by legends Samini and K.K Fosu.

Interestingly, they used the event to raised funds for charity works in Northern Part of Ghana.

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