NPP debunks polling station elections postponement claims


The first vice chairman of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Fredrick Fredua Antoh, has rubbished allegations by some people saying the polling station elections would not come off.

Speaking on OTEC FM’s afternoon political show dubbed “Dwabrem”, Mr F.F Antoh said misunderstandings between executives at some areas including Ejisu, Effiduase and Bosome Freho have been resolved.

Anto is currently on a tour of the region to assess the party’s readiness for the election that starts tomorrow and ends on 21st January, 2018.
He is excited about the constituencies so far visited and therefore commended Chairman Wontumi; the Regional chairman for his immense support & financing of the party. He encouraged party faithful to support chairman Wontumi in his bid to get re-elected.

On his part the Ashanti regional chairman Bernard Antwi Boasiako has called for incident free elections ahead of tomorrow’s elections.

_Otec FM

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