Media accreditation for 2022 Commonwealth Games opened


The Media Accreditation for media journalists across the globe who wish to take part and cover Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games has been finally opened.

Details for the Accreditation was sent via email to Sports Intelligence Magazine through her official email.

The Accreditation is for eligible media practitioners who wish to cover the Games and the portal which opened on Monday November 29, 2022 will close on (British Summer Time) 29 April 2022.

Although, the application won’t be first come first served, organizers have advised media practitioners wishing to cover the event to apply early as applications will be reviewed throughout the period.

Click on this for the link for the Media Accreditation is Birmingham 2022 Media Accreditation

Note that all journalists who wish to cover the games should be vaccinated with a proven vaccination card and barcodes and reference numbers working for easy authentication.

The UK government, without a shred of doubt, will not compromise to any illegalities therefore journalists must make sure every details they provide are genuine.

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