Great Olympics target Top Four finish in Ghana Premier League, says PRO


The Wonder Club’s spokesperson has vowed they will achieve a Top Four finish in the top-flight following their return

Accra Great Olympics communication director Saint Osei believes they have one of the best squads ahead of the start of 2019-20 Ghana Premier league season.

Speaking to Kumasi-based Boss FM, Osei reiterated they are ever ready for the start of the season and would secure a Top Four finish amid reports that head coach Isaac Nii Armah has resigned few days to their first game.

“We have built a strong team and ready to compete in 2019-2020 Ghana Premier League,” he said.

“Our team will be in the Top Four at the end of season because our players are eager to fight for the club. We will fight with the big clubs [like Hearts of Oak and Asante Kotoko] and make sure we easily defeat the small cogs to achieve our aims,” he added.

Olympics, who will open their campaign with a trip to Obuasi to face Ashanti Gold on Sunday, gained promotion to the top-flight in October during the Extraordinary Congress when congressmen adopted for an 18-team league which also favoured King Faisal.

The decision was successfully approved at the Ordinary Congress held last week and three clubs instead of five will be relegated after the season.

By: Fareed Mohammed Awal

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