GFA meets PFAG to discuss players welfare


The Ghana Football Association (GFA) and the Professional Football Association of Ghana (PFAG) have met in Accra to deliberate on a number of issues that affect the forward march and development of football in Ghana.

The meeting which took place at the Secretariat of the GFA in Accra on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, discussed varied issues including player welfare, the standard player contract and the role of former players in the development of Ghana football.

Others included, funding, support for domestic football and the national teams amongst others.

President Edwin Simeon-Okraku urged the PFAG not to shy away from making recommendations and proposals on the current GFA Statutes that is being reviewed for possible amendments.

He also touched on the importance and relevance of footballers (both Ex/Active) in the football ecosystem, opportunities in coaching and other identified pathways.

‘’I think the relevance of footballers in the football ecosystem cannot be underestimated in any way and as the leader of this Association, I have always respected and placed premium on footballers not only because of the entertainment you provided but also due to the joy that you brought into the homes of millions across the globe during your active football days,’’ President Simeon-Okraku said.

‘’We have a lot to do as stakeholders to push this industry to greater heights. I know the power and influence that you all carry as individuals and as a unit hence this meeting.

‘’I want us to look into the various issues that confront us and to find solutions to the challenges of our beloved industry including player welfare, standard contract, the role of the footballers in scouting, talent identification, coaching, support, funding and other identified pathways.

‘’We need these kinds of meetings to look into the real issues and challenges that pose as a threat to us from player welfare, infrastructure, training and knowledge acquisition, exchange programs and capacity building,” he added.

The Ghana Football Association was represented by President Kurt Edwin Simeon-Okraku and Vice President Mark Addo.

Others included Executive Council Members Dr. Tony Aubynn, Nana Sarfo Oduro and Samuel Anim Addo, General Secretary Prosper Harrison Addo, Deputy General Secretary Alex Asante, Chairman of the Northern Regional Football Association Alhaji Abu Hassan Rhyzzo and Director of Communications Henry Asante Twum.

President Samuel Osei Kuffuor led the delegation from the Professional Footballers Association of Ghana and was accompanied by Vice President Joseph Tetteh Zutah, General Secretary Anthony Baffoe and Deputy General Secretary Solomon Torson who doubles as Head of Finance.

The rest were Kwame Ayew – Board Member, Augustine Arhinful – Board Member, former Ghana captain Stephen Appiah – Board Member and Ibrahim Tanko – Board Member.

Also in the meeting were legends, Asamoah Gyan, a former Ghana captain, John Mensah, a former Ghana captain, John Painstil, Derek Boateng and Head of player relations of the PFAG – Yussif Alhassan Chibsah.


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