Fifa president Infantino explains why Russia have been banned but Israel, Palestine & others are free


The world’s football governing body president has insisted that they are not wrong to have punished Russia for their invasion in Ukraine amid suggestions that they’ve been practicing selective justice

Fifa president Giann Infantino has rejected suggestions that they have been selective in ensuring justice and political interference after Russia were suspended and banned from participating in 2022 Fifa World Cup following their political attack on Ukraine.

Russia president Vladimir Putin led an army of soldiers to politically attack Ukraine which has led many people including children and women homeless.

Although, the world has condemned the action of Russia, many people believe many countries like Israel has also attacked other countries but were left untouched which breeds mistrust in Fifa.


Fifa is acting everywhere in the world. We analyse every situation you’re saying. Today I was told we are slowly, of course, you can’t do it right under the same situation and any decision you take may be the wrong one,” Infantino said when asked by Ghanaian journalist Gary Al-Smith during the Fifa Congress in Doha on Thursday.

“What we do is we analyse every single situation, every single case on its own merit and then based on our conscience, we try to take the decision that we feel is the right one and in this particular circumstances. Of course, there are situation of conflicts…..” he added.

The draw for the 2022 Fifa World Cup will be held on Friday at 12h00 BTS (16h00 GMT) and Ghanaians are hoping to have a good group after been put in Pot 4.

The Black Stars can be paired with hosts Qatar, Belgium, France and others.

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