Dede Ayew isn’t my friend & we’ve not spoken for sometime – Asamoah Gyan


The country’s former skipper has insisted that he barely speaks to his predecessor ever since he left the scenes

Former Ghana captain Asamoah Gyan has made a wild revelation concerning the relationship with his predecessor Andre Dede Ayew.

Gyan lost his captaincy role to Ayew ahead of 2019 Africa Cup of Nations following a decision by Kwesi Appiah and Gyan has insisted that he barely speaks to Ayew.

Although, there were reports in the local media that there is a feud between Gyan and Ayew which led to division in the Black Stars, the latest revelation seems to confirm that assertion

Gyan discloses his relationship with Ayew

Ghana will be participating in the upcoming Fifa World Cup to be staged in Qatar as they are paired with Portugal, South Korea and Uruguay in Group H.

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