‘What particular thing does Barcelona coach Xavi always tell you?’ Kotoko coach Prosper Ogum asks Memphis Depay


The Porcupine Warriors boss took the opportunity to fraternise with the Barcelona star and asked him about his preparations towards games

Asante Kotoko coach Prosper Ogum Narteh asked Barcelona star Memphis Depay on how he prepares towards games in La Liga and other competitions.

The coach of Ghana Premier League champions met Memphis together with his players on Saturday evening in Accra after sharing the spoils 1-1 with Accra Lions in their last game of the season.

After Memphis had had interactions with Kotoko players, Ogum wanted to know from the Barcelona star one particular thing his coaches, especially Xavi, has been telling him everyday ahead of games.

Memphis took time to explain to Ogum and the players who were present.

“You have to know your job,” Memphis answered as quoted by AshesGyamera.com.

“Everybody have to know his job on the pitch. Tactics is the most important thing. For example Xavi, when I play on the left wing for Barcelona, he wants me to run behind a lot.

“Even though if I don’t get the ball behind the defender, the backline of the defenders will go back so that create space for other players to pick the pockets created. Especially now because the game gets real hard,” he added.

Watch full interview below:

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