Video: Watch Kotoko training session ahead of Hearts of Oak clash on Sunday


The Porcupine Warriors held what is believed by many to be their final training session in Kumasi on Wednesday as they prepare for the Super Clash on Sunday

Asante Kotoko intensified their preparations at the Adako Jachie training ground ahead of this weekend’s Super Clash against Hearts of Oak at the Accra Sports Stadium.

Coach Prosper Ogum Narteh had almost every player who has been playing part of the club’s recent games available for the training.

However, players like Fabio Gama and Isaac Oppong will likely not play part of the game since they are yet to fully recover from the injuries they sustained at the start of the season.

Watch Kotoko training including penalty shootouts (Credit: M48 TV)

Meanwhile, midfielder Mudasiru Salifu who missed the win over Accra Lions last weekend is around to make the matchday squad together with Mfegue Rodrigues who was also suspended.

Kotoko lead Ghana Premier League log with 36 points, twelve points better than Hearts of Oak who are occupying eighth position.

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