Video: Watch how Ghana defeated Nigeria on penalties to qualify to 2023 CHAN


The Black Galaxies broke the hearts of Nigerians to make it to the tournament which will be hosted in Algeria

Ghana defeated Nigeria 5-4 on penalties in the second leg of 2023 Championship of African Nations qualifiers at MKO Abiola Stadium in Abuja on Sunday.

Ghana won the first leg 2-0 at Cape Coast Stadium to have a huge advantage going into the return fixture.

After the first half ended goalless, Nigeria finally broke the deadlock by the 76th minute through Plateau United striker Rabiu Muhammad Zulkifilu.

Chijioje Akuneto added another goal for Nigeria deep in additional time to force the game into penalty shootouts.

Nigeria missed their third spot kick and Ghana went on to win the day as Amos Acheampong scored the last kick.

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