#Video: Watch Ebony’s last moment with family members before her untimely death


Priscilla Opoku Kwarteng known in showbiz as Ebony Reigns died during the wee hours of Friday on her way to Kumasi from Sunyani through an accident at Nsuta near Bechem.

The 20-year-old spent time with some of her family members in the Brong Ahafo capital before setting off and AshesGyamera has obtained her last video.

The 90’s baddest girl was in a happy mood, snapping pictures with the family and chatting little did she know death was calling her after the car she was in collided with a VIP bus.

Ebony had a wonderful moment in 2017 after releasing hit tracks Kupe, Date your Father, Hustle, Maame Hwe and Sponsor. She was highly tipped by music connoisseurs as a favorite to win Artist of the year in the 2018 Ghana Music Awards.

Ebony who was single and without a child before her death, was expected to travel to United States in the coming days for a show.

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