Underfire Prosper Ogum names Kotoko squad to face Samatex


Pressure keeps mounting on the Porcupine Warriors gaffer as results are not coming forth but he would hope to turn the fortunes around this weekend

Asante Kotoko coach Prosper Ogum Narteh, Dr has announced a strong 20-man squad to face Samatex in Ghana Premier League matchday 11 fixture in Samreboi.

The past weeks have not been good in the books of the club, particularly Ogum, who has failed to pick a victory after four games.

The results, alongside his recent comment were he labelled some senior players as politicians, have angered a section of the supporters and only a win in Samreboi will possibly calm down tempers.

Fortunately for Ogum, he has the luxury of welcoming back Nicholas Osei Bonus, Enock Morrison and Justice Blay, who have been out recently due to injury concerns.

However, midfielder Richmond Lamptey could not make the trip and will miss the game after failing to recover from his injury worries.


Danlad Ibrahim, Frederick Asare


Augustine Agyepong, Nicholas Osei Bonsu, Nana Beyin Amoah, Sheriff Mohammed, Nurudeen Yussif, Henry Ansu.


Michael Dwamena, Andrews Ntim Manu, Rocky Dwamena, Justice Blay.


Kalo Ouattara, Eric Zeze, Enock Morrison, Georges Nfegue, Shadrach Addo, Steven Mukwala, Peter Amidu, Isaac Oppong

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