Thousands of Hearts & Kotoko fans throng to Accra Sports Stadium ahead of Super Clash [VIDEO]


Ahead of the Super Clash, many fans of both sides have already arrived at the venue hours before kick off

Hearts of Oak will host Asante Kotoko in Ghana Premier League at the Accra Sports Stadium on Sunday

The game, which was initially scheduled for November last year, was postponed due to Hearts’ participation in Caf Confederation Cup playoffs against Algerian side JS Saoura.

Although, only 25 per cent of the stadium capacity was approved by government initially, it was later confirmed that the stadium can take its full capacity.

Therefore, over 30,000 tickets have been printed and a lot of fans have been spotted at the stadium buying tickets.

Hearts and Kotoko supporters at Accra Sports Stadium

Kotoko lead Ghana Premier League table with 36 points, twelve points above Hearts at the end of the first round.

Hearts coach Samuel Boadu is under pressure to win the game after going two games without a victory.

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