SWAG to honour journalists and individuals on January 12


The Sports Writers Association of Ghana (SWAG) has announced Friday, January 12, 2024, as the date for the 48th edition of the most prestigious SWAG Awards.

SWAG also has confirmed the Accra International Conference Center (AICC) as the venue for the longest running awards event in the country.

Organized by SWAG, the annual event is held to honour distinguished Ghanaian sportsmen and sportswomen, recognizing the contribution of individuals and top organisations that contributed positively to the development and promotion of Ghana’s sports during the year under review.

Charles Osei Asibey, General Secretary for SWAG, mentioned that the event will be super colorful and that SWAG will as usual give patrons a good show on January 12 as we celebrate sports excellence.

He added that the awards will have four awarding categories that’s the competitive category, non-competitive category, honorary awards, and the corporate awards.

He indicated that the SWAG secretariat will in the coming days release names of winners in the non-competitive and honorary awards, whilst the General Assembly will vote on the competitive categories on the eve of the SWAG Awards night.

The SWAG scribe called on corporate bodies to come on board to support the event to honour sporting excellence.

The annual Awards night was the brainchild of Mr. B.B. Bismark, former aburihene, a keen sports enthusiast and one-time Team Manager of the Black Stars who later became a SWAG Patron.

Mr. Bismark mooted the idea of an annual Awards night at an informal meeting with the Secretary, Eugene Thompson, and Mr. Ken Bediako, then of the Daily Graphic at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich.

Successive SWAG leaders from Joe Lartey, Willie Kwarteng, Oheneba Charles, Joe Aggrey, Ebo Quansah, Ackah Anthony and now Kwbena Yeboah have all held the SWAG Awards unbroken since 1975.

Over 40 personalities in about 27 categories will be honoured on the night.

Source : www.swagghana.com

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