Obiri Boahen’s political career practically over, says Kweku Baako


    The Editor-in-Chief of the New Crusading Guide newspaper, Abdul Malik Kweku Baako has reiterated the need for the deputy general secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Obiri Boahen to resign since he was a “loose-talker” and “politically finished.”

    To him, even though, Obiri Boahen deserve praises for the political “courage” with which, he came out to admit it was his voice on the leaked tape in which he alleged the presidency supported the NPP’s 2017 Cape Coast conference with Ghc50billion, everything else apart from that courage was a “disaster.”

    Referring to his earlier call for his resignation on Joy FM’s news analysis programme, Newsfile on Saturday, Mr Baako said, “I’m unable to retract or revise what I said earlier to that effect, perhaps it will be in his own interest if he resigned even before the party institutes any investigations or discipline proceedings.”

    “He [Obiri Boahen] is my friend and apparently a lot of people have told me I have been harsh and unfair to him. He has also said the same but unfortunately, I have said it already and I can’t take it back…it is impossible, I will do a lot of injustice to my own self,” he added.

    “It is incredible, to be honest with you, politically he is finished. No further comments [on this matter].”

    “Look, that kind of thing, how are you going to sit with your colleagues and plan anything or discuss anything, it’s a breach of confidentiality, even if you were lying, you are a loose-talk, it would be said. And people lie, true.”

    Responding to explanations by Obiri Boahen that he fabricated the story to solicit information from the person he spoke with but when he realized that the “guy” secretly recorded him, he concluded that the information was not credible, Mr Baako questioned, “where is the information he said he was getting from the other guy, where is it?

    “… he wanted a strategic information to give to his party, if he has got the information where is it. You know what, the party would not have being instituting any enquiry if he had sent the information to them already, if the purpose was to take information that will help your party’s case, then you’d have sent the information already and the party would have been aware that this was a covert operation and that he had to lie to get something, it can be done, but there are too many big men these days lying, including women,” he said.


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