Madagascar names strong starting XI to face Ghana in World Cup qualifier


The visitors have paraded all their arsenals ahead of the opening game of the 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifier

Madagascar coach has named his starting XI to face Ghana in the opening game of the 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifier to be played at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium on Friday.

Goalkeeper Melvin Adrien will be in the post to prevent Ghana from scoring while Rayan and Fontaine will combine with the others in midfield and Mirado leads the attack.

Madagascar 🇲🇬 lineup:

Melvin Adrien (GK)
Romain Antony Metanire
Berajo Razafindrabe
Thomas Fontaine
Boto Van-Kenji
Marco Ilaimaharitta
Loïc Lapoussin
Rayan Raveloson
Dorian Bertrand
Tsiry Mirado Razafindrasata
Njiva Rakotoharimalala


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