Kotoko’s Danlad Ibrahim to leave Ghana for Fifa World Cup after Jojo Wolocott injury


The young shot stopper has been handed a late call up as injuries hit Black Stars camp ahead of World Cup

Asante Kotoko goalkeeper Danlad Ibrahim will leave Ghana tonight to join the Black Stars ahead of 2022 Fifa World Cup baring any last minute changes.

The youngster was handed a late call up to join the team after first choice goalkeeper Jojo Wollocot and Richard Ofori were confirmed of injuries which will likely rule them out of the World Cup.

Danlad has been rising through the ranks of Ghana’s national team from U17 and is now the first choice for Black Galaxies, helping them to secure qualification for 2023 Championship of African Nations.

He is likely to become the second Ghana Premier League star to make the squad after Hearts of Oak midfielder Afriyie Barnieh

Ghana have been paired with Portugal, South Korea and Uruguay in Group H at the World Cup. They will play their first game against Portugal on November 24 before facing Korea four days later and wrap up the group stage with Uruguay on December 2 in a repeat of 2010 quarterfinals game.

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