Ghana’s Olympic Games Bronze medalist Takyi wins first professional fight with TKO


The youngster, who is nicknamed Ring Warrior, made a huge statement as he began his journey as a professional boxer

Ghana’s Olympic Games’ Bronze Medalist Samuel Takyi defeated Kamaldeen Boyefio in his first-ever professional bout thanks to a technical knockout in Accra.

The 20-year-old, who won the country’s first medal in almost thirty years at the Olympic Games in 2021, punished his opponent in the Super Featherweight contest as he consistently threw punches at him.

Kamaldeen Boyefio could not hold on again in the second round of the bout and the referee had to end the fight to prevent any further injuries.


Takyi joined the pantheon of Ghanaian Olympic boxing greats Clement Quartey, a light welterweight who won silver in Rome 1960, Eddie Blay a bronze light welterweight medallist from Tokyo 1964 and Prince Amartey who made history in Munch 1972 in Olympics Games and he is expected to make it big on professional level.

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