Ghana’s chances of winning Gold in 4×100 at Commonwealth Games dealt a big blow over visa issues


The West African country will have to fall on two substitutes from the local scene as two athletes were denied visas

Ghana Athletics Association has made two changes to the highly-rated men’s 4x100m relay team a day to the start of 2022 Commonwealth Games to be staged in Birmingham, United Kingdom, can confirm.

The 2022 Commonwealth Games have been scheduled to kick start on July 28 to August 8, 2022 with 72 participating countries and over 1,000 athletes.

After the team finished fifth at the just ended World Athletic Championship held in Oregon, United States, Joseph Oduro Manu sought permission from the country’s Athletic Association to be excused so that he can attend to some pressing private issues.

Also, Emmanuel Yeboah who was the substitute to the quartet at the World Athletic Championship was surprisingly denied a UK visa by the Home Office and will now miss the games despite hoping to make a mark.

As a result, University of Ghana prodigy Abdul-Rasheed Sadique and Barnabas Agerh of the University for Development Studies will fill the void as the duo are already in Birmingham.

The duo will add up to Benjamin Azamati who arrived at the games’ village on Wednesday, Joseph Paul and Sean Safo-Antwi in Ghana’s attempt to annex the ultimate.

Although, many Ghanaians confidence have dropped following the unfortunate news, it should be recalled that Saminu and Barnabas were part of the Ghana 4x100m relay team that clinched a silver medal at the Invitational Relay competition in Nigeria in June and could replicate that feat.

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