Ghana 2022 ITF Wheelchair Tennis Development Fund Program begins at Cape Coast


Ghana wheelchair tennis under the Ghana Tennis Federation has begun a 2-day wheelchair tennis professional and beginners training camp at the Cape Coast Sports Stadium Tennis Club.

The wheelchair tennis players were taken through the practical aspects of how to develop a game and what participants must do on the court at the 2-day event.

The team made of the Ghana Tennis Federation, President Isaac Aboagye Duah and ITF wheelchair tennis coach and instructor Holgar Losch, Ghana wheelchair tennis coordinator, Henry Larbi and coaches from all the various regions were received by the Central Regional Tennis Association President George Frank Koufie and executive member Madam Efumwaa Adu Poku.

Speaking at the opening, Chairman of the Central Regional Tennis Association, Frank Koufie said, on behalf of Central Regional Tennis Association, “I wish to welcome you all to Cape Coast Sports Stadium. I want to use this opportunity to appreciate the Ghana Tennis Federation and Ghana wheelchair tennis for choosing Cape Coast, Central Region for the two international events.

“We are very pleased to host and provide all that is possible within our capabilities to ensure your smooth stay in Cape Coast so that it becomes one of the memorable occasions in the region.

President of Ghana Tennis Federation Isaac Aboagye Duah Thanked coordinator Henry and his team, ITF for supporting GTF to organize this program for participants at all levels, professionals, intermediate, and beginners.

He added that, All these are efforts put in by the federation to make Ghana ready for the Africa Para games in 2023.
“I encourage all players to take the program serious because there is also always something new to learn especially modern techniques in becoming competitive.
GTF President was also very grateful to the instructor Mr Holger for his excellent delivery so far’.

Coordinator for Ghana wheelchair tennis Henry Larbi thanked Central Regional Tennis Association President Frank Koufie and his executives for the warm reception and requested the Central Regional Tennis Association to support the wheelchair tennis team in Cape Coast to produce professional wheelchair tennis players to represent Ghana in international tournaments.

Chairman Koufie later supported the program with an amount of Ghc3000.

Maclean Dzidzienyo, on behalf of players, thanked him and asked God to replenish a 1000-fold all that he had spent on behalf of Wheelchair Tennis.

Players were very excited and the mood in the camp was very positive. Players were from all over the country and the president encouraged them to be of best behaviour as well as take all the lessons serious so that they can impart the knowledge on theory in return.

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