Ganiu returns as Prosper Ogum names Kotoko XI to face Berekum Chelsea


The skipper has been passed fit to feature for the Porcupine Warriors after several weeks on the sideline

Asante Kotoko coach Prosper Ogum Narteh has named his starting XI to face Berekum Chelsea on matchday 30 of Ghana Premier League.

Captain Abdul Ganiu Ismail who has been missing recent games due to recurring injuries has been handed the opportunity to start the

Ibrahim Danlad (GK)

Christopher Nettey

Abdul Ganiyu Ismail (C)

Imoro Ibrahim

Andrews Appau

Mudasiru Salifu

Richard Boadu

Fabio Gama

Stephen Amankona

Franck Mbella Etouga

Georges Mfegue Omgba

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