Fentuo Tahiru Fentuo quits Citi FM/TV to join Joy FM/TV


Broadcast journalist Fentuo Tahiru Fentuo has joined the Joy Sports team as Editor.

The 34-year-old moves to the Joy Brands (Myjoyonline, Joy FM, Joy Business, JoyNews, Joy Prime and Hitz FM) of the Multimedia Group Limited, after leaving his role at Citi FM/Citi TV, where he worked as Head of Sports at the time of his departure.

‘Fent’, as he is affectionately called, brings to the Joy Brands over eight years’ worth of experience as a sports journalist in Ghana.

He is expected to make all that experience count in further strengthening Joy Sports’ position as the leading sports news platform in Ghana and in Africa.

“This is an exciting new opportunity for me. Some of my mentors in the industry, like Karl Tufuoh, Michael Oti Adjei and Ernest Koranteng, have all passed through Joy; I’m thrilled by the prospect of taking the same stage as they did and showing what I’ve got,” says Fentuo.

“Joy Sports already has some of the finest in this space on board – from experienced ones like Gary [Al-Smith], George [Addo Jnr] and Nathaniel [Attoh] to the bright young talents of Muftawu [Nabila] and Owuraku [Ampofo] – and I can’t wait to work with all of them.”

Gary Al-Smith, Head of the Joy Brands’ Sport, said of Fentuo’s switch: “We are very excited to have Fent, finally. The leadership of the team has wanted him to come along for a while, and we’re grateful to MGL for making it happen. Fent is just the addition this team needs as we aim for bigger things.”

Fentuo started his career in sports broadcasting as an intern at radio stations across Kumasi, while a student at the University of Ghana, Legon.

Upon graduation, he rose to become Sports Editor at one of those stations, Ultimate FM, before moving to Accra to join Citi in 2017.

In the ensuing five years – and especially after his June 2020 appointment to the helm of the Citi Sports crew – Fentuo helped create one of the strongest sports news brands in Ghana.

He was, most notably, host of Citi TV’s Scorecard – a Sunday night sports show that reviews the weekend’s major sporting activities around the world – and of Football Made in Ghana, a Pidgin-English show dedicated to Ghanaian football.

Fentuo was also co-host of Citi FM’s popular Friday evening show, Sports Panorama.

As well as being considered one of the most authoritative voices on athletics on the continent, Fentuo – who hails from Tumu, a town in Ghana’s Upper West Region – is known for his in-depth knowledge across multiple sports.

The well-travelled broadcaster has covered many competitions, such as the Africa Cup of Nations and the World Athletics Championships – including the latest edition of the latter, in Oregon, USA – and has been featured on international platforms like the BBC, World Athletics, Newzroom Afrika and CGTN.

Fentuo holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and English from the University of Ghana and Elon University (USA).

As mentioned previously, he prefers to go by the name Fent, but the Joy Sports team are determined to keep the popular nickname he has – they will call him “Tumu Jon Snow”.

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