Dumsor vs COVID-19: NPP can manage crises in Ghana than NDC, says Bawumia


The second gentleman of the land has thrown a subtle at the opposition party,  insisting that they are clueless in terms of solving crises

Vice president of Ghana, H.E Mahamudu Bawumia has slammed the erstwhile NDC government under John DramaninMahama, insisting that they H.E Nana Akufo-Addo and National Patriotic Party can manage crises better them.

Speaking at a press briefing on measures the government has put in place to battle the Coronavirus disease pandemic, Bawumia said that it was evidentiary clear that NDC do not have the men to lead the country especially when it is hit by crises since they messed up the economy during the era of Dumsor between 2012 and 2016.

“If you want to test the robustness of an economy, you test it in the time of crises,” Bawumia said.

“Thankfully, we have had two crises. Under the NDC there was an internally generated crises which was Dumsor and Akufo-Addo there has been an externally generated crises which is the global Coronavirus disease pandemic.

“I just want you to ask yourself how the two crises have been managed? The dumsor crises which crippled the economy for four years while electricity bills were increased and Coronavirus disease where the president has made utility bills free for three months. If there is anyone better to solve crises, the  it is obviously Akufo-Addo, ” he added.

Ghanaians will be preparing to hit the poll for the general  elections in December if the Coronavirus disease is curbed globally or a vaccine is found to reduce its spread and effects.

Akufo-Addo is seeking for a second term in office after defeating Mahama in 2012.

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