Clinton Duodo wasn’t at Black Satellites level – Karim Zito explains why he was dropped


The Black Satellites head coach has shed light on why he opted to drop the Bechem United winger ahead of the 2021 WAFU Zone B games

Ghana U-20 coach Abdul Karim Zito has insisted that he was right to drop Bechem United youngster Clinton Duodo and Legon Cities star Osman Amadu from the final squad ahead of the WAFU B Cup of Nations ongoing in Niger.

Duodo after his drop featured for Bechem in their 1-1 stalemate with Hearts of Oak. His overall performance was impressive and that has led to questions being asked on why he couldn’t make Ghana’s final squad.

“Your team’s performance will bring you to the national team and when you come to the national team, I don’t use your team’s performance to judge you or to select but rather I use what you show to me at national camp to select you,” Zito said after Ghana’s 2-0 defeat to Nigeria on opening day at the GSK Stadium on Sunday evening thanks to goals from Ibrahim Muhammad and Ahmed Abdullai.

“When they came, I was even wondering, what is wrong with Clinton. For Amadu, of late he doesn’t play. I played him in the knockout, we beat them, he did not play, all time Amadu is on the bench and in all the friendly games we played they did not perform, so why should I bring them?

“They can talk but your performance outside with your club will bring you to the national team but you have to perform with me before I select you. They didn’t perform [at the Black Satellites level] well and that is why I dropped them”

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