CAF approves Accra Sports Stadium for Ghana vs Sudan


Following the inspection of CAF officials last week, Ghana look set to face Sudan at the Accra Sports Stadium on October 11 instead of the earlier report of Cape Coast Sports Stadium.

The CAF inspection team were impressed with the work done to improve the pitch and dressing room as well as media centre. However, the team rejected the metal goalposts at the stadium since it didn’t meet the current standards.

As a result, government quickly decided to replace it with the fibre goalpost at Community 8 number 2 JHS park. With this, everything look set for Black Stars to play their first game in the capital city since March 2021.

With the game being moved from Kumasi, the people in Ashanti region and its environs will miss the opportunity to watch Black Stars game until probably 2025 and that will affect a lot of businesses including hospitality.

In the other group game, leaders Angola will be hoping to continue their winning streak when they host Niger.

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