BREAKING NEWS: Prosper Ogum Narteh resigns as Asante Kotoko coach


The gaffer has tendered in his resignation to the Porcupine Warriors top hierarchy after aiding them to win the Premier League title

Asante Kotoko coach Prosper Ogum Narteh has officially resigned from the club after just eight months in charge of the club, can report.

The tactician met the club’s top hierarchy in a crunch meeting on Wednesday and opted to resign due to disagreement on some key decisions ahead of the new season.

Ogum led Kotoko to win the Premier League title in his maiden season and was billed to send the club to participate in Caf Champions League but he has decided to call it a quit due to disagreement on player recruitment and other related issues.

Several key players including Fabio Gama, Mudasiru Salifu and Richmond Lamptey will not be part of the club’s Champions League

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