Breaking News: Ghanaian boxer disqualified from final bout at Commonwealth Games on medical ground


The youngster has been ruled out of the final due to ill health and will now have to settle for a silver medal

Ghanaian boxer Joseph Commey has been ruled out of the final of Featherweight division at 2022 Commonwealth Games ongoing in Birmingham on Sunday.

The youngster made it to the final stage and was hoping to win gold after defeating Indian boxer Mohamed Hussan Uddin at the National Exhibition Centre on Saturday.

However, his hopes have been dashed as he has been ruled out of the final bout due to sickness. After several medical check ups, doctors insisted that Commey isn’t medically fit to fight and will as a matter of urgency have to settle for silver medal.

Ghana’s contingent have picked one silver and two bronze medals so far in the competition. Abraham Mensah will fight in the evening for a gold medal.

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