Breaking News: Fifa bans and fine Ghana $100,000 for age cheating in World Cup qualifiers


The World’s football governing body has placed a ban on the West African country for falsifying ages of players during World Cup qualifiers

Fifa has banned Ghana female U17 national team from two consecutive tournaments and also fined Ghana FA $100,000, understands.

Despite losing to Morocco in June and missing out of the World U17 World Cup, Morocco filed a protest against Ghana for fielding overage players.

Ghana players Nancy Amoh and Rasheeda Shahadu were later found guilty of changing their birthdates.

Morocco became suspicious of age cheating after their checks at the immigration revealed that one of the Ghanaian players who is in University made a transit in Casablanca with Ghana Rugby Team but has two different dates of birth.

As a result, Ghana has been found guilty and would not participate in the 2024 and 2026 World Cup qualifiers.

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