Asante Kotoko gave me nothing after fatal accident in 2017,” disappointed Michael Akuffo cries out


The Porcupine Warriors former midfielder has revealed that he has been badly treated after the fatal accident he suffered with the club five years ago

Former Asante Kotoko midfielder Michael Akuffo has hit out at the club following what he feels as a neglect after the deadly accident.

The Porcupine Warriors after a Premier League game against Inter Allies in Accra in 2017 were involved in an accident on their way back to Kumasi as the team bus crashed into a stationary truck on the Nkawkaw dual carriage road.

The fatal accident saw the death of deputy equipment officer Thomas Obeng Asare while many others, including players, team officials and journalists, sustained various degrees of injuries.

“I got injured in my legs and although I can play football again, I feel a bit uneasy that something terrible could happen to me anytime I take to the pitch,” Akuffo told Akoma FM in an interview.

“Unfortunately I got nothing from the club and it’s very bad should this happen in any of the European countries, we could have earn something big.

“I feel much extremely disappointed because I got nothing from Kotoko after the horrible accident. At a point they asked for our back account numbers but till now we have not received anything. Ghana FA must make sure all clubs get their buses and players insured,” he added.

It will be recalled that former Kotoko goalkeeper Isaac Amoako also stated in 2020, three years after the incident that victims of the fatal accident were still holding on to their hopes of receiving compensation, several years on.

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