Asamoah Gyan reveals the ‘Juju’ which made him successful footballer


The former Black Stars skipper has opened up on what he feels to be the best form of juju as he prepares to launch his book

Former Ghana captain Asamoah Gyan has insisted that although he has seen witnessed several superstitious practice throughout his journey as a footballer, only one thing reigns supreme.

According to the former Sunderland AFC striker, although some footballers and individuals rely on other gods and sacrifices, he feels that helping the needy has made him very successful.

“My juju is all about doing good to people. That is giving out to the needy,” Gyan told Angel FM Accra in an interview.

“I will urge everybody to do good. Help people, their words go a long way to affect you positively in life and these things helps man to become successful.”

Gyan further revealed the strangest thing he has witnessed throughout his career having played in Africa, Europe and Asia.

“The strange thing I saw during my time in Europe was when I went to Turkey. Before a game, they slaughter a sheep in front of the bus, then in India, before the league season starts, they take us to the shrine for fortification,” he said.

Gyan holds the record of most goals (51) for Ghana and he is the highest scoring African at the Fifa World Cup together with Cameroon legend Roger Milla.

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