Abigail Kwarteng reaches final of High jump at 2022 Commonwealth Games


The 25-year-old made it to the last stage of the competition and she is now on the verge of annexing a medal for the country

Ghanaian athlete Abigail Kwarteng has made qualified to the final of Women’s High jump at the 2022 Commonwealth Games ongoing in Birmingham, UK on Thursday.

The 25-year-old made it to the final after clearing a height of 1.81 and will now compete for a medal.

Four months ago, Kwarteng made history when he set a new national record by 5cms when she scaled to a new personal best height of 1.92m to pick a gold medal at the War Eagle Invitational in Auburn, Alabama on Saturday April 16, 2022.

Few days ago, Kwarteng granted an interview to GHone TV and slammed the leadership of sports in Ghana, insisting that nobody should expect medals from athletes they have not invested in enroute to the tournament.

“You don’t expect from where you don’t invest. If everything was good and I was able to continue how wouldn’t my training be good,” she said.

“If I had enough time to rest and enough time to be in practice I could easily stand and tell you that I’m very confident that things are going to be great. However, I have to work 12 hours a day and spend just about 3 to 4 hours practicing.”

“I’m going to go out there and do my best. My coach is really trying and that is why I say I can see what is going to happen. It is not even just with me but I think Ghanaians shouldn’t expect much from anybody you didn’t invest in, however, we are going to go out there and do whatever we could because we love the sport and that is what we are here for and give our 100 per cent. And, the prayer is that our 100 per cent is enough,” she concluded.

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