Okraku and Ghana FA team greeted by angry protesters in Techiman


Ghana Football Association president  Kurt Okraku and his entourage were greeted by a group of angry protesters in Techiman as he arrived in the Bono East regional capital as part of his tour to help curb down hooliganism in football.

After beginning the tour in Kenyase and passing through Wamanafo, Dormaa Ahenkro and Berekum to meet club officials and supporters leaderships, the Ghana FA team arrived outside the Bonokyempem Hall at the Municipal Assembly in Techiman in the afternoon on Wednesday. However, unlike their previous destinations, Techiman was extremely different as the atmosphere was initially charged.

The president and his travelling crew were reportedly welcomed by supporters of Techiman City standing across the road, alongside some members of the local press and started to verbally attack them for deliberately targeting their club.

It will be recalled that Techiman City have been banned from their home ground after the game against Tamale City FC was abruptly ended for security reasons and breach of COVID-19 protocols.

As a result, Techiman City’s next home game against Real Tamale United has been scheduled to take place at Wa Sports Stadium, a decision which the supporters deem it unfair and a bad precedent.

According to reports, one of the supporters was holding a schnapp and eggs to invoke curses while others led by Kwame Zion also had red bands on their heads to show their displeasure.

However, the situation was later resolved and the program kicked off. In the end, it ended successfully but the points and agitations raised by Techiman City supporters were taken in good faith and the Ghana FA team promised that they will hear from them.

“It is true that we protested. About 50 supporters rushed to the venue and made their feelings known to the Ghana FA travelling team,” Zion told AshesGyamera.com.

“They can’t use just one person to hate us. The ruling which came this week asking us to play our game against RTU in Wa is very unfair.

“It will cost us around 6,000 cedis to move the players to and fro meanwhile we didn’t do anything bad. Kurt Okraku told us that he does not hate Techiman City and has helped us one way or the other so we are hoping to see another ruling changing the venue or else we will not honour the game,” he added.

They tour continues on Thursday in Kintampo before they head up north to conclude it.

Some members of the entourage included Kurt E.S. Okraku- Ghana FA president, Takyi Arhin ‘Thunder’, Michael Osekere – Vision FC, Eugene Noble – DOL Board Member, John Ansah – Premier League Committee member, Tophic Sienu – Division One League Board member, Fred Acheampong – Executive Committee, GFA, Christine Ziga – Chairperson Referees Committee among others.


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