Double track SHS: Over 60,000 students not placed under CSSPS


Sixty-seven thousand three hundred and eighty two (67,382) students who have qualified to senior high schools (SHS) could not be placed under the computerised school selection placement system (CSSPS).

This is because they could not be matched with any of their school choices.

They have however been asked to do self-placement to get themselves into schools with vacancies; but the schools selected on self placement cannot be changed.

A statement signed and issued by the Public Relations Director of the GES, Cassandra Twum Ampofo, on Tuesday said 423,134 out of 490,514 qualified candidates have however been placed.

Process for self-placement

Dial *713*24# to buy a placement pin code of GH¢5.00

After obtaining a pin code log onto the site

Enter the ten digit index number and add 18 as year of completion. Eg: 123456789218

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Enter the pin code details (serial number and pin)

Click on submit and wait for placement to show up

Print the form if you have been placed and send to school to begin admission process

Self-placement module

Proceed to Self – Placement module on the same portal if a candidate has not been placed. Select a school by filling the following:

Click on Submit
Print placement form
Send placement form to school to begin admission process

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The statement said students placed on the green track will resume on September 11, 2018 whereas the gold track students will resume on November 8, 2018.

The statement assured all parents whose wards could not be placed that a number of schools with vacancies have been uploaded on the portal and therefore the candidates would be able to make a choice without hitches.

Solution Centres

It added that students with genuine concerns can visit any of the Regional Solution Centres at the Regional Education Offices to have their issues resolved.

The statement also added that a Solution Centre has been set up at the Independence Square in the Greater Accra Region.


Parents and wards can also call any of the following helplines for assistance: 0800-900-101 and 0267372258 (WhatsApp only).

“Our Social media platforms are also active to respond to questions. Facebook: Free SHS Ghana, Twitter: Free SHS Ghana, Instagram: Free SHS Ghana. Email: info@freeshs.,” the statement said.


Source: Graphiconline

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