Sudan FA reports Ghana to CAF over Juju ahead of AFCON qualifier


According to reports, Sudanese FA has reported Ghana to CAF on Monday after they spotted what could be termed as BLACK MAGIC after the Black Stars completed their mandatory training session at Benina Martyrs Stadium where the two countries will meet on Tuesday afternoon 1pm local time, 13h00 GMT.

Sudan are playing as host in Libya due to the political crisis in their home country and as a result, Ghana were obliged to use the stadium for their training seasons before them per CAF rules.

However, items like garlic and onions, among others which are believed to be used to prevent bad spirits and bad luck by a section of religious people were allegedly found on the pitch after the Ghanaian contingent left.

The game is of equal importance to both Sudan and Ghana since if Ghana fail to defeat Sudan on Tuesday, the Black Stars will be on the verge of missing out on 2025 Africa Cup of Nations for the first time in over 20 years.

Should Sudan win, they will need only three points from their remaining two games against Niger and Angola to qualify.

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