Al Hilal humiliate Asante Kotoko in pre-season friendly in Sudan [Watch the goals]


The Porcupine Warriors shipped in five goals to make it seven goals after two pre-season games

Asante Kotoko were brushed aside 5-0 by Sudanese champions Al Hilal in a pre-season friendly in Omdurman on Friday.

Ahead of the game, new coach Seydou Zerbo made several changes in the starting line up that lost to Hilal in the first game on Tuesday as goalkeeper Frederick Asare came in for Cameroonian goalkeeper Pouaty Moise D’assise while Emmanuel Sarkodie also started the game.

Kotoko’s defence were in total shambles this evening as two free-kicks were scored by Hilal.

A brace from Maccabi Lillipo and other goals from Abdul Agagon, Mubarak Abdulai and GoodLuck did the damage for Hilal who were already up by 3-0 at the break.

Kotoko will have to double their efforts as they take on Tanzanian giants Simba SC in another international friendly on Sunday.

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