Sun City FM CEO Antwi rallies support for retired footballers to pursue coaching courses


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Sunyani based Suncity Radio, Mr. Ransford Antwi is calling for support from individuals, groups and organizations for retired footballers who have interest in pursuing coaching courses.

According to him, “there are many Retired Footballers walking around without any support whatsoever with others going through depression and other stress- related issues”.

“Kindly support one of them to pursue Coaching Courses among others, and they’ll make you proud like Nana Adarkwah and NTOW Gyan have done today”.

Mr. Antwi could not hide his joy when Ampem Darkoa Ladies Football Club won the women’s premier league and the FA Cup.

He made the call in a massive congratulations message to Coach Nana Joe Adarkwah of Ampem Darkoa Ladies FC.

“Today, Nana Joe Adarkwah and his Ampem Darkoa Female Team have done the double over the much fancied Hassacas Ladies, becoming Champions in the Women’s Premier League and FA Cup”.

Mr. Antwi said “we started at the Colts level and he went on to play professional football with BA United, Kumasi Asante Kotoko, Hassacas, Olympics and Berekum Arsenal”.

Mr. Antwi further explained during his days at the NUGS Secretariat over 20 years ago, his attention was drawn to Joe Adarkwah’s ordeal at Oly, where a cheque given him by the Management headed by Mr. Ade Coker had failed to clear, after a number of times.

He said he took the matter up and after series of meetings/letters, managed secure his release from the clutches of Accra Great Olympics.

“After retirement, Joe Adarkwah took interest in Coaching and when we heard that the FA was organizing a Coaching Course at Prampram, I offered to sponsor him and my Big Brother, Kofi NTOW GYAN”‘ Mr. Antwi added.

Adding that, “we started with Intermediate and now both have CAF LICENSE A, and both as Assistant of Black Maidens and U 15 respectively”.

Christopher Tetteh

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