Kotoko’s ‘container’ structure at Adako Jachie catches fire [VIDEO]


The Porcupine Warriors new facility could’ve been burnt to ashes if not the intervention of a good Samaritan

Asante Kotoko new facility which is under construction at the Adako Jachie training ground caught fire but it was timely put under control by people around.

The project, which is mainly made up of containers for a short term of period, will provide the club’s players and coaches changing rooms and lavatories which they currently lack.

It is believed that one of the electrical outlets in the facility caught fire and started to spread but the situation was put under control.

Watch the full clip here:

Watch the full clip of Adako Jachie fire case

Asante Kotoko are currently leading the Premier League log with 56 points, nine points better than Bechem United who sit second place.

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