I’m an ambassador for vaginal tightening cream, Moesha Budong reveals


The young lady who seized the headlines few weeks ago following her revelation that she dates married men for a living has another interesting story to tell

Ghanaian social media celebrity Moesha Budong after revealing in an interview with CNN that she sleeps around with married men for her upkeep, has also insisted that Ghanaian women use vaginal tightening creams to make their private part very small and tight in order to enjoy sex with their partners.

According to Moesha, majority of women in Ghana think about how to satisfy their partners in bed at the expense of their own needs and hence, rely on creams to make their private parts very tight.

Amanpour: You are an actress…

Moesha: Yes. I am an actress, yes. And I’ve been signed for a stretch marks cream and a vaginal tightening gel.

Amanpour: Whaaaaaaaat!

Moesha: laughs. Vaginal tightening gel. It tightens the vagina. Yes. And people get it a lot. So many girls use it in Ghana…

Amapour: and why?

Moesha: More pleasure.

Amanpour: For who?

Moesha: For your Man.

Amanpour: How about you?

Moesha: in Ghana especially, we try to please the men first that’s why we use all these things to just make them enjoy the sex.

We please our men first before thinking about ourselves. You need to be a freak in the sheets…

Amanpour: you need to be a freak in the sheets <>

Moesha: To keep your man, yes. That’s why I’m dating a married man.

Moesha: I am their favourite mistress. I am dating a married man.

Amanpour: Really?

Moesha: Yes. And I’m in love with him.

Amanpour: are you?

Moesha: very.

Amanpour: uhhhhhhh…and is that normal?

Moesha: when a married man comes up to you, its very normal, married men come up to single girls and date them. They have mistresses and girlfriends.

Amanpour: so sorry….errr They have a wife, mistress and a girlfriend…?

Moesha: girlfriends….

Amanpour: you kidding me?

Moesha: that’s the Truth.

Amanpour: are you a mistress or a girlfriend?

Moesha: I’m a girlfriend but I’m sure I’ll get to mistress status.

Amanpour: so its wife, mistress, girlfriend and you are bottom of that pyramid…

Moesha: yes. Mistresses are like special girlfriends..they are like next to the girlfriends….

Amanpour: I thought the Ghanaian society looked down on women who have sex out of marriage…

Moesha: they do. It’s not a good thing but but its happening everywhere…I’m ambassador for vaginal tightening cream, Moesha Biding reveals

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