I don’t mind going back to Funny Face because I’m matured now – Funny Face’s baby mama


Vanessa Nicole, the former lover and baby mama of comedian Funny Face, says she will accept to go back to Funny Face because she is more mature now and understands things better now.

The couple, who have three children together, went through a messy breakup that had everyone talking. They officially announced their separation in 2020.

According to Vanessa, they both made mistakes and are partly to blame for the rapid pace of their romance.

“We weren’t patient with each other. We didn’t take the time to truly understand and know each other better. We met in September, and by October, I was already pregnant. We are both at fault. Despite everything, I just hope for the best,” she shared during an interview with Kwaku Manu.

She added that it has been over a year since Funny Face last saw their children. However, she clarifies that she is not keeping them away from him.

Vanessa assures that if he makes a request, she would gladly allow their children to spend time with their father.

It’s been more than a year since Funny Face saw his kids. The last time was when we came to visit him in Accra. I am not selfish, and those who know me can attest to that. I would love to hear him say, ‘Bring the kids over during vacation.

“If he makes that request, I have no problem with it. We don’t have any animosity towards each other. This doesn’t mean I want us to reconcile. All I desire is for us to be co-parents. It’s not solely my decision, and it’s not the woman who chooses whether a man gets married. If Nana Yaw wants me…well, he didn’t like my piercings, so I took them all out,” she explained.

Vanessa, who took a break from acting to focus on her children, proudly announces her return to the business.

The acrimonious split between the two lovers, who have three kids together, grabbed media attention and dominated social media discussions


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